It is with great sadness we report the first (as we know) snowmobile related deaths of the 2019-2020 snowmobile season.
More info on our fatalities page.
Temporary submit forms for snow and rally info are up.
Please use the email link provided to contact us for now with posters. -->
Didnt work on new site design any more as we are thinking of shutting down the site due to lack of sponsors. It is hard paying out of pocket for the hosting and spending countless hours updating the site. We have been doing this site for 18yrs now.. I hate to plaster ads all over the site either. Sorry.
Please keep visiting SLED-SASK in 2020.
SLED-SASK is now MOBILE! Click here to view our mobile site. SLED-SASK is also on TWITTER. We have a feed on the right hand side of some of our home page.
You can tweet snow conditions or anything snowmobile related.
Make sure to keep sending us those snow reports and snow conditions to us.
Thanks for visiting SLED-SASK.
Stay tuned.
Also, if you need to contact us, please use the "Contact Us" links on the site..
Please bookmark us, link to our site and keep coming back, as our events will be updated as the winter goes.
Did you know that snowmobiles are a Canadian Invention??
Snowmobiling has been both a "way of life" and a winter sport for many Canadians since Joseph-Armand Bombardier invented the first "snow machine". In 1922, when he was only 15, his father gave him an old Model "T" Ford. Bombardier removed the motor and attached it to the framework of a typical four passenger sleigh, the usual mode of transportation for French-Canadian families during Quebec's severe winters. He installed a huge wooden aeroplane propeller on the drive shaft behind the transmission. Then, using four sleigh runners to glide across the snow, he drove this strange mechanical animal through the main street of his hometown village. (photo and information courtesy Government of Canada - Digital Connections Vol 4)
Our mission at SLED-SASK is to provide
a place online to view information on Saskatchewan's
all time favorite winter sport of Snowmobiling. Snow Conditions, Snowmobile Safety Courses, Snowmobile Rallies, Poker Derbys, Racing, etc..
We have many facts on snowmobiles and snowmobiling displayed here.
All facts came from various sources. Some were found online, some
from the Snow Facts handbook and pamphlets, and courtesy of the I.S.M.A.
This website will be phased out and in its place will be this content management system that will hopefully introduce a new user friendly archive of snow/summer off-road sporting in Saskatchewan.
Here you will be able to find information on:
Snowmobile Safety.
Snowmobile Poker Rallies, Derbys and other events.
Snow Conditions and Reports.
Saskatchewan Trail Maps and location maps.
Listings of Snowmobile Clubs in Saskatchewan and Snowmobile Organizations across Canada.
Here you will be able to view information on Snowmobile related events happening within Saskatchewan.
This section relies on information posted by our visitors.
If you have information on Snowmobile events for Saskatchewan that we don't have listed, please don't hesitate to contact us with the information so that we may post it here.
Want your favorite snowmobile photo here?
Send us your favorite snowmobile photo along with a brief description and we will post it here.
Send photos to SLED-SASK Snow Pic of the Week
WARNING!! Watch out for Silage Bags!!!
We are seeing more and more of these white bags in fields over the years.
They may look like huge snow drifts, but they are not! Please stay away from them! Do not ride on them! This also includes bales in fields.
Recent trespass legislation prohibits the use of snowmobiles on posted lands. You must request permission from the land owner to operate your snowmobile on said posted land. Failure to do so, can/will result in fines as outlined in the legislation.
No Trespassing ATV's are not allowed on SSA snowmobile trails. . More Info..
Feb 28/2020
It is with great sadness we report the first (as we know) snowmobile related deaths of the 2019-2020 snowmobile season.
More info on our fatalities page.
Sorry for lack of updates so far this year, as I have been in the hospital lots...
Remember that when the snow does stay, be careful of farmers fields as some crops may still be out there..
Still very few snow reports in. SEND IN SNOW REPORTS FOR YOUR AREA PLEASE!
Temporary submit forms for snow and rally info are up.
Please use the email link provided to contact us for now with posters. -->
Didnt work on new site design any more as we are thinking of shutting down the site due to lack of sponsors. It is hard paying out of pocket for the hosting and spending countless hours updating the site. We have been doing this site for 18yrs now.. I hate to plaster ads all over the site either. Sorry.
Please keep visiting SLED-SASK in 2020.
SLED-SASK is now MOBILE! Click here to view our mobile site. SLED-SASK is also on TWITTER. We have a feed on the right hand side of some of our home page.
You can tweet snow conditions or anything snowmobile related.
Make sure to keep sending us those snow reports and snow conditions to us.
Thanks for visiting SLED-SASK.
Stay tuned.
Also, if you need to contact us, please use the "Contact Us" links on the site..
Please bookmark us, link to our site and keep coming back, as our events will be updated as the winter goes.
Still looking for Snow Conditions reports from all over Saskatchewan.
We will add direct links to rally posters beside the places that
send us posters for our Rallies page.
All over SLED-SASK you will find many facts related to the sport of snowmobiling.
We have facts on Snowmobile Safety, Snowmobile production, general facts and more.
We have collected facts online, facts from the Snowmobiler Handbook, facts sent to us and from pamphlets we have.
Please visit our sponsor links (ads) as they make this site possible. Thank-you.