Snowmobile Event Posters
2019 - 2020 Season
Here we have listed different club event posters and/or PDF files
for you to view or download. If you want to save the pdf files
to your hardrive so you may print them, click on the links
and save them from the new window.
You will need a PDF file reader to view the PDF files.
Posters as of February 15/2020


2019 Saskatchewan Snowmobile Show
November 1-3/2018
Prairieland Park
Saskatoon, SK.



TRI-LAKE Snowmobile Rally
Saturday, January 18/2020
Narrow Hills Place.

Northern Sask Snowmobile Poker Rally
Saturday January 25/2020
Stanley Mission, SK.

Meskanaw Community Snowmobile Rally
Meskanaw, SK.

Wymark Snowmobile Drags
January 25-26/2020
Wymark, SK.


Kelvington Winter Spirit Rally
Saturday, February 1/2020
Kelvington, SK.

Ride for Rylee Snowmobile Rally
Saturday, February 1/2020
Nokomis, SK.

Crystal Springs Poker Rally
Saturday, February 1/2020
Crystal Springs, SK.

Cudworth Snowmobile Rally
Saturday, February 1/2020
Cudworth, SK.

Plunkett Vintage Ice Oval Series
February 1-2/2020
Plunkett, SK.

PWOS Mission 2020
February 1 - 7/2020
Humboldt - Leask, SK.

Prairie Women On Snowmobiles Roast Beef Dinner
February 7, 2020
Northridge Centennial Community Center, Martensville, SK.

Big River Timber Trails Snowmobile Rally
Saturday, February 8/2020
Big River, SK.

Aylsham Complex 9th Annual Snowmobile Rally
Saturday, February 8/2020
Aylsham, SK.

Whiteswan Snow Hawks Northern Exposure Snowmobile Rally
Saturday, February 8/2020
???, SK.

Middle Lake Poker Rally
Saturday, February 8/2020
Middle Lake, SK.

Hank's Tavern's Sled Rally
Saturday, February 8/2020
Bradwell, SK.

Rhein Sno Cruzers 4th Annual Vintage Poker Derby
Saturday, February 15/2020
Rhein, SK.

P.A. Trail Riders Winter Festival Snowmobile Rally
February 15, 2020
Prince Albert, SK.

Laird Arena Snowmobile Rally
Saturday, February 15/2020
Laird, SK.

Snowden Snowmobile Rally
Saturday, February 15/2020
Snowden, SK.

Chitek Lake Bush Buddies Snowmobile Rally
Saturday, February 15/2020
Chitek Lake, SK.

Crooked River Snowmobile Rally
Saturday, February 15/2020
Crooked River, SK.

Archerwill Drift Riders 23rd Annual Snowmobile Rally
Saturday, February 15/2020
Archerwill, SK.

Lily Plain Ride to Survive
Tuesday, February 18/2020
Lily Plain, SK.

Orolow Snowmobile Rally
Saturday, February 22/2020
Orolow Hall, SK.

Pinehouse Lake 20th Annual Snowmobile Poker Rally
Saturday, February 22/2020
Pinehouse Lake, SK.

Humboldt Vintage/Current Poker Rally
Sunday, February 23/2020
Humboldt, SK.

2020 Provincial Snowmobile Festival
February 28-29/2020
Melfort, SK.

Weirdale Community Snowmobile Rally
Saturday, February 29/2020
Weirdale, SK.


Tway Snowmobile Rally
Saturday, March 7/2020
Tway, SK.

Porcupine Trailblasters Snowmobile Derby
Saturday, March 7/2020
Porcupine Plain, SK.

Elbow Lake SnoDrifters Annual Snowmobile & Fish Derby
Saturday, March 14/2020
72kms.north of Arran, SK.

If we don't have your event poster here, email it to us
and we will have it posted. We would prefer them sent to us
in PDF format as it is easier for viewers, but we will accept
other types.
Email Your Event Posters