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1970's The Saskatchewan Province develops organized trails within their park system.
1980's Outside of the park trails, the member clubs started to develop trail routes based on the clubs needs to host community events in Saskatchewan.
1990's Work begins to develop infrastructure for the first trail network in Saskatchewan with the Province and Porcupine Forest Trail Association. The SSA saw a need to fund those trails already in place and increase snowmobiling safety by maintaining and funding the trail system. A user pay system was implemented by the volunteers to help fund the trail maintenance. But the system was not warmly accepted, thus beginning the lobby for the government to make the user fee mandatory.
2000's The Saskatchewan Province accepts the recommendations from the SSA to include a fee with registrations. This was widely accepted by the users.
2010 The SSA's strong partnership with the Saskatchewan Province enabled them to work closely together to accept the recommendations of an independent review to see the trails continue for the public to enjoy. Long term safety will provide a safe environment and reduce accidents and injuries.
(information courtesy of the 2010/2011 Saskatchewan Edition of SNOW ZONE)
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