Our listing of Snowmobile organizations and their websites from across Canada and the USA.
If we don't have your organization or website listed here, please feel free to contact us with the appropriate information.
Snowmobile clubs and organizations work with state
associations and provincial organizations to carry out numerous recreational
and community service programs by:
Constructing, maintaining and mapping trails and working with government officials on surveying and designing trails.
Sponsoring snowmobile outings and year round social activities.
Monitoring and initiating legislation.
Participating in public hearings and comment on government proposals.
Conducting safety and maintenance clinics and volunteer their services as certified safety training instructors.
Providing vital services to sheriff's departments, police and civil defense units by organizing specially trained search and rescue units. These patrol and rescue units engage in a variety of activities.
Being on 24-hour call for emergencies.
Patrolling trails; searching for hikers, skiers, hunters, children and others who are lost.
Assisting conservation officers in various activities.
If we have missed a major Canadian Snowmobile Organization here,
please let us know.
