This is our detailed map of Area 9. You will also find a smaller version of our main area map below.
By clicking on the different areas, you will be taken to another page on our site with a detailed view of the area.
Remember to register your snowmobile with , if you plan on using the trails.
The first attempts at building a vehicle that would move over
snow on runners happened 75 years ago. Many dreamed of building a power driven sled,
especially where heavy snowfalls often meant the difference between life and
death when attempting to transport an sick or injured person to get medical attention.
In 1935, a snowmobile was built with skis in front and
sprocket wheel and tracked system in back. It carried up to 12 people.
First in line to purchase one, were: family doctors, veterinarians,
ambulance and taxi drivers. A modified version found a market in the
logging industry.
