This is our detailed map of Area 4. You will also find a smaller version of our main area map below.
By clicking on the different areas, you will be taken to another page on our site with a detailed view of the area.
Remember to register your snowmobile with , if you plan on using the trails.
On US National Forest Land, most of the trails used by
snowmobiles are on groomed roads used by summer recreationalists. There
are also secondary and seasonal roads within the forests used by snowmobilers.
These roads are groomed and marked by volunteers who work closely with the
local US Forest Service staff in maintaining and managing those areas.
The International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association (ISMA) is an organization representing the four snowmobile manufacturers. They coordinate committees within the industry to handle concerns such as snowmobile safety, the promotion of the life-style activity of snowmobiling, keeping accurate statistics, reporting the growth of the industry and the positive economic impact the life-style activity has throughout the world.