This is our detailed map of Area 2. You will also find a smaller version of our main area map below.
By clicking on the different areas, you will be taken to another page on our site with a detailed view of the area.
Remember to register your snowmobile with , if you plan on using the trails.
Snowmobiling is a great family lifestyle. It is an activity that keeps parents and kids together.
Historically individuals who snowmobile at a young age continue to snowmobile with their parents throughout their
lives, sharing great experiences as a family. In many winter regions, snowmobiling is simply the main form of
winter outdoor recreation and in some cases the main method of transportation available. Snowmobiling is great
exercise that brings people outdoors to interact with nature and each other. It is an invigorating sport that is
great for stress release and good mental health.
The use of snowmobiles in National Parks is regulated by Federal Law Enforcement. The snowmobiling
occurs on roads groomed and marked for snowmobiling, the same roadways used by recreational vehicles, cars, trucks
and busses. Snowmobiles are NOT used as off-road vehicles in National Parks such as Yellowstone, Rocky Mountain and
Grand Teton.